full steam ahead............
At last, a return to the neglected allotment.
And with it the wonderful sight and sound of an antique steam engine ploughing in the field on the other side of the hedge.The local farmer ploughs using vintage steam engines on this field each year and it is always a treat. Not only do I feel reconnected with the earth after a session gardening, there was the added bonus of feeling transported back in time to the age of steam.
On the allotment it's time to prepare for the season ahead as well as harvesting apples, blackberries, raspberries, hefty leeks, ruby chard, spinach and calabrese.
Today was a tidying day, preparing the ground for winter planting of field beans and grazing rye.
Baby leeks planted into the brassica bed, ready for the rotation to move around again next year.
And with it the wonderful sight and sound of an antique steam engine ploughing in the field on the other side of the hedge.The local farmer ploughs using vintage steam engines on this field each year and it is always a treat. Not only do I feel reconnected with the earth after a session gardening, there was the added bonus of feeling transported back in time to the age of steam.
On the allotment it's time to prepare for the season ahead as well as harvesting apples, blackberries, raspberries, hefty leeks, ruby chard, spinach and calabrese.
Today was a tidying day, preparing the ground for winter planting of field beans and grazing rye.
Baby leeks planted into the brassica bed, ready for the rotation to move around again next year.