gardening on a plate

Gardens should look and taste good.

In redesigning the garden we wanted to have year round interest. We also wanted to be able to step outside and grab food.
So that's the work we've been doing in planting up this south facing and sandy border.
On the fence are trained a peach and a nectarine. Blackcurrant and dessert gooseberry will add to the fruit bowl - and the unexpected kiwi fruit present planted onto the new trellis just might surprise us!!!!!!!!
Herbs do like the dessicated soil and south facing position of this border and so some of the most useful are in there. Why buy bay leaves when the plants are so easy to grow in containers or the border? Rosemary is useful for carnivores but is great for us veggies too and is especially tasty when added to focacia bread topped with home grown tomatoes.
In with the sweet smelling lavender will go loads of other useful herbs including mint, thyme, basil, tarragon and coriander.

Wildlife is not forgotten as you'll see from the bird feeders - but another look at this border later in the season to look at that important aspect of sustainable gardening.

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january salads


Work in progress