slow down, you move too fast

There's an unnatural rush to get the vegetable garden planted up at this time of year. 'Wait!' I say. There is no hurry!

I say that because this photo shows one quarter of the four bed rotation fully planted. We're waiting on the broccoli, chard and sorrel from last year, but apart from that we're fully planted. But that leaves three quarters of the allotment waiting. Plants put in later usually catch up - and so there is no rush!

'Stuttgarter' white onion sets have been planted today in the bed previously occupied by brussels sprouts. These join the 'Red Baron' and 'Sturon' onion sets planted a couple of weeks ago. Overwintering red and white onions and garlic look good and will stay where they are until June.
When the chard and broccoli finish we need to find space for shallots 'Golden Gourmet' (THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!) and some more 'Musselburgh' Leeks.

We are changing the rotation this year and including parsnips in the section occupied by either beans or brassicas - dependent on room.

The old gardeners had it just about right: they valued the power of doing nothing! 'A garden needs a good coat of looking at' was how I heard it explained. And that's what ours will get, plenty of looking at.

And relax!

help around the garden


perfect parsnips?