on and on and onion

Nestling in a corner of my grandfather's garden was a row of 'everlasting spring onions'.
This was at a time when supermarkets did not jet produce from the four corners of the earth and when produce eaten was seasonal.

So, in the dark days of winter it was handy to be able to go outside and chop of a clump of spring onions that were hardy enough to last through the coldest winter.

I haven't been able to find the correct name for this family heirloom, and so it remains as I always knew it.

Hot and tangy, the individual spring onions are slender and work especially well in stir-fries.

They are similar in habit to the smaller chives, but never seem to flower but are propagated by splitting each spring and moving to a new spot.

They benefit from water and some organic matter.

treasure lost?


hay success