perfect parsnips? 3

Okay, it's not the most-inspiring photo you've ever seen. But this captures the next part of the 'perfect parsnip' story. Last year we had no luck with parsnips and had decided not to bother with them this year. that was until Ken told me of his method.
Well, here are the little beauties, planted out in their bed. I dibbered down as far as I could but still the cylinders were too long. So we tore off the bottom 5cm (2in) and then they fitted. The newspaper cylinders will away.
The spacing is quite generous at 20cm (8in) - but I'm going for some monsters this time.
So far, so good.

As a footnote, I understand that Ken has not had the same luck with his parsnips this year - showing that no method is foolproof!

attack from above and below


perfect parsnips?