round and round

Organic systems rely on a rotation of crops so that pests and diseases do not build up in one area and so that fertility can be built up in the soil.

Our four-year cycle begins with potatoes after the ground has been well composted or manured. Field beans are sown into the ground after potatoes are lifted as a 'green manure'.

The following spring beans are planted. Their roots are mini nitrogen factories that pack extra nutrients into the soil.

Brassica (cabbage) family plants follow in the third year.
With onion tribe plants completing the cycle.

Here's the bean bed plan for this year.

sweet corn planted with beans: climbing blue lake

early peas: feltham first

sweet corn planted with beans: climbing blue lake

marrowfat peas: marro

strawberry: marshmello

french beans for drying: horsehead

broad beans: aguadulce

beans: climbing blue lake

french beans for drying: horsehead


a walk on the wild side


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