a red and white summer

Now is the time that our greenhouses are groaning.
The threat of frost is still great and our little plants are not robust enough yet to face the double whammy of frost and slugs.
So, greenhouses are packed tight with plants - and ours is no exception.
Our hanging baskets are planted and are being carefully nurtured in the greenhouse. This year I have used red begonias, red trailing geraniums, white fuscias and variegated white and green nepeta. You spotted it - this year my theme is red and white - to celebrate Nottingham Forest Football Club staying in the Championship. It was a worry for a while, I can tell you! For American readers, the football I refer to is what you call soccer - and to quote the great Liverpool manager Bill Shankly "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."
So our front will be emblazoned with red and white to signify my teams colours. Once again I will be using a peat free potting compost. I not be using moisture retaining jells. I refer you to Will Taft's blog for more on that subject.
So, here's hoping for a glorious summer to precede a glorious season of success for my team next year.
You Reds!