wildlife on allotments

Enjoyed myself immensely during the week giving a talk to Nottingham Organic Gardeners about attracting wildlife into allotments.

It was great to be among like-minded folk who all shared the same passion for organic gardening.

Went around Leapool Allotments on Monday evening to see how my own allotmenting neighbours were going about attracting wildlife.

There was some good practice and I took some snaps to share on the blog.

The path shown is a delight, with lots of variety in shape and colour and great for insects.

Several plot holders used the space at the front of their gardens for attractive and insect-friendly flowers - and what can be better than lavender?

There was not as much use of flowers within allotments - so it was good to spot tagetes growing between rows of brassicas and carrots. The hoverflies will love the flowers and then be encouraged to turn their attention to the pests feeding on the brassica leaves.

first early potatoes: sharpes express


whitemoor allotments, nottingham