all is safely gathered in...
A corner of the garage that is part of our winter food store.
Potatoes (Nicola and Kestrel) are bagged (reused paper sacks).
Summer and winter onions have been dried in the greenhouse and are now easily to hand.
As we collect our apples we store them in reused plastic trays.
The freezer is full to bursting with sweetcorn, beetroot, raspberries, blackberries, green beans, calabrese, peas, asparagus ...... it goes on!
The cupboards are filled with jams and pickles.
Dried peas are in jars and we wait now for the beans to dry so that they can be stored too.
There is a programme on television called 'Land Girls' about women who worked on the land during the second world war. Although we don't have rationing, those land girls would certainly feel at home with us!