dry dry dry

The driest summer since 1929: bad news for gardeners whose plants begin to shrivel in the scorching sun.

We lifted a handsome crop of garlic last night with 'Thermidrome' doing especially well. It now lies in the greenhouse 'curing' in the heat. Garlic enjoys May rain and we had enough to bulk the bulbs.

But potatoes need rain when in flower - at the end of June and beginning of July and the ground is not moist. We prepare ourselves for a disappointing crop which will contrast unfavourably with last year.

Brassicas don't seem affected yet and neither have the early peas. Later peas (for instance 'Maro') will have yields reduced.

Insects, of course will thrive in this long period of hot, dry weather. Our phacelia has now finished and has been pulled up and composted. But other flowers like comfrey and borage are a magnet for bees.

And the forecast goes on being sunny and dry. Not good news for two legged gardeners but great for six legged ones!

cheap and cheerful candytuft


miniature hostas