bird boxes given by nottinghamshire wildlife trust

Congratulations and thanks to Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust: nine bird boxes and one bat box were donated to Leapool Allotments this week.

Andy Lowe is our local NWT officer and does a huge amount of good work 'on the ground' - literally and metaphorically.

These boxes will provide welcome nest sites for blue tits and great tits in particular next spring. The birds will hunt for their food along the hedgerows but will also pick off pests like caterpillars and aphids that are feeding on plot-holders plants.

Great for organic gardeners, great for the environment.

Our local wildlife trusts do their best work when they focus on the 'local'. National wildlife charities can go for the big sites like Martinmere or Titchwell Marsh. But the wildlife trusts can work using their local knowledge to make a real difference for local wildlife and people.

Andy knows his 'patch' like the back of his hand and his knowledge of and enthusiasm for wildlife shine out. His conversations are punctuated with sitings of birds passing overhead or calling nearby.

Today, we were with Andy as we visited two possible sites for development as community orchards. It is Andy's contacts with landowners that enable these small projects to happen. We hope to link with the Northern Fruit Group and local people to create sites that benefit people and wildlife too.

Great work Andy! Great work Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust.

grazing rye green manure


nottinghamshire apple days 2010