
The allotment is filled with thriving plants. And borage thrives like few others and is glorious at the moment.

We encourage borage seedlings to grow around the edge of plots or in the mass of the potato haulm because few plants are as attractive to bees as borage.

There has been a lot written about the fall in the number of bees. Both bumble bees and honeybees have witnessed a decline.

But it looks as though our friend the honeybee is fighting back!

From my quite unscientific survey today, honeybees are thriving. They were most active in the morning sunshine and borage was their main destination.

Over at bees and beyond Linda gives an account of her first bee hive. Our allotment is well within striking distance for her bees. Are the bees I am seeing from her hive? We know of no other bee hives locally, so unless there is a maverick bee keeper who is keeping his/her activities quiet, or there is a colony of wild bees locally - they could be hers.

Late summer sowing and planting


cheap and cheerful candytuft