rhs members' seed scheme 2012
When I finished work, Judith and Roger paid for me to join the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).
I must recommend membership to you!
We have enjoyed visits to Tatton Park and Wisley on the back of this. We have also enjoyed the magazine ‘The Garden’ - easily the best gardening magazine I’ve seen.
Then they toss in their members’ seed scheme in which you can order 20 packets of seed collected by RHS staff in their wonderful grounds. Only £12!!
So, last night we ploughed through the booklet and ordered online today. What is just so wonderful is seeing some of our favourite Wisley plants like Giant Inula's (photo) and Phlomis Russeliana on the list. Talk about being a kid in a sweetshop!!! I can’t wait for January to arrive!!!
First Choice Seed list:
115 Briza media (common quaking grass), H., ornamental grass, 1m.
120 Deschampsia cespitosa (tufted hair grass), H., ornamental grass, 60cm.
127 Sporobolus heterolepis, H., ornamental grass, orange-gold autumn colour, to 80cm.
129 Stipa tenuissima (Mexican feather grass), H., ornamental grass, 80cm.
139 Agastache rugosa (Korean mint), H., rose or violet, 1.2m.
154 Aquilegia chrysantha (golden columbine), H., yellow, 1.2m.
203 Digitalis ferruginea (rusty foxglove), B. or H., yellow-brown, to 2m.
210 Eryngium agavifolium, H., green-blue, to 1m.
211 Eryngium bourgatii (Mediterranean sea holly), H., bluish, 60cm.
232 Gillenia trifoliata (Bowman's root), H., white tinged purple, to 1.2m.
249 Inula magnifica (giant inula), P., hairy stems bearing golden yellow flowers, 1.8m
256 Knautia macedonica, H., dark red, to 1m.
261 Libertia formosa (Chilean iris), H., white, 90cm.
269 Lychnis chalcedonica (Maltese cross), H., pink or red, 1m.
287 Nepeta parnassica, H., white, 30-60cm.
300 Peucedanum verticillare, B/P., large umbels of small greenish- white flowers, to 3.5m.
301 Phlomis russeliana (Turkish sage), H., yellow, 60-90cm.
349 Thalictrum flavum subsp. glaucum, H., yellow, glaucous foliage, to 2m.
359 Verbascum phoeniceum, H., purple and pink shades, 60-90cm.
362 Veronicastrum virginicum (Culver's root), H., white or pale blue, 1-2m.
Alternative Numbers list: (In Order of Preference)
322 Salvia sclarea var. turkestanica, H., pink and white, 1m.
212 Eryngium pandanifolium, H., evergreen, sword shaped silver grey leaves, purplish-brown, 4m.
213 Eryngium planum (blue eryngo), H., steely blue, 90cm.
124 Melica ciliata, H., ornamental grass, to 1m.
286 Nepeta grandiflora, H., blue, 60cm.