Old One-Match strikes again....

Where once grew commercial style conifers will one day be a lovely, soft mix of native, locally provenanced deciduous shrubs and trees.

Men at work - with Goldcrest smiling down benignly
But that's one day. Now we have piles of brash and logs in disarray like a giants game of pick-up-sticks left after the chainsaw students from Brackenhurst College came to play.

And erk. the clock is ticking because the plants are in the ground waiting to be moved and this unseasonally warm weather may spark them into life early.

Sooo bring in the men!! Mike on chainsaw. Trev and me on fire stoking. I thank you, I thank you.
And I know you're wondering.. Did I (once again) light the bonfire with a single match? Can I still live up to the One-match Carlyle moniker bestowed on me by my adoring public? A resounding yes!!*

There's so much still to be done but a great couple of days saw the area looking much better. Good work men!

*Attempts at starting a bonfire on other days brought on the unwanted title of Three-firelighter-and still-failed Carlyle..



are npower more awful than the rest?