elements of thermally-efficient building

An update on the fit out of our extension showing elements of our eco-build.
internal wall showing foam glass, thermal and conventional block work

The internal wall construction shows:

a narrow course of glass foam bricks at the base of the wall that prevent cold crossing from the concrete slab up into the walls. Thermal (or cold) bridging is the term given to those places in a building where cold enters. In a thermally-efficient house these are designed out or their effects quantified in calculating the heating needs of the building.

the next course of large grey blocks are termed thermal blocks and their function is insulation. These are light weight blocks.

above the thermal blocks are conventional or brieze blocks. Traditional build sees internal walls being 'stud' - plaster board and timber construction. In our home these heavy blocks act to regulate the temperature of the building. They absorb the heat of the building and release it to keep temperatures constant. The walls are rendered with 'hardwall' plaster which has almost no insulation value - allowing the walls to absorb and release heat easily.
self levelling floor screed covers underfloor heating pipes

The second picture shows a self-levelling screed being pumped to cover the underfloor heating pipes. This method of heating is more effective than the conventional wall-mounted radiators of the traditional home. Below the black plastic hides 200mm of polystyrene insulation.


'Is it a number one sir?'. Managing meadows.


Clash, reggae and Lawrence Hills ..