Of kings and compost…

Very much in the news at the moment is the forthcoming coronation.

Perhaps for this reason I was thinking of the king today as I plunged my thermometer into my newly-created compost.
Almost 70C!
That temperature would make the freshly-risen monarch jump as I understand that his bath must be filled to 18 centimetres to 20 degrees, so a maid must make sure every morning with a thermometer that there is no failure in this respect. He also instructs the butler to leave the toothpaste ready on his toothbrush and to measure 2.5 cm… before going on to enjoy his morning newspaper which has been specially ironed for him.
It’s easy to take pot shots, I know. Presumably I’d be just as demanding if I my untaxed personal wealth was approaching £2billion.

I attach a link to my only communication with our monarch

Today I will be mostly mowing and hoeing.

Apple excesses


Vegetable garden progress