Broccoli and Stilton soup
Day 23 #365DaysWild
We were allotment holders for over ten years. It goes back generations in my family.
Here’s my maternal great grandfather (with his three youngest) outside his greenhouse on the old Scotland Road allotments in Basford, Nottingham around 1900. Four miles from where we live today.
Allotments should be more widely-available. They give ordinary folk opportunity to feed their family cheaply with fresh, high-quality organic food plus all the benefits of being outside in nature.
And cooking it is easy too.
Broccoli and Stilton soup
All ingredients easily grown. Even more economical because the calabrese floret can be saved for tea and you only use the stem, leaves and stalk!
Here we go..!
Tablespoon oil
1 onion diced
1 small potato diced
1 carrot diced
The diced stem, leaves and stalk from a head of calabrese (sold as broccoli in supermarkets)
1 stock cube
100g grated Colston Bassett Blue Stilton that’s been hanging about in the fridge and really needs using up to prevent it being wasted.
Add diced vegetables to oil in pan and cook on low heat until softened, stirring frequently.
Add stock cube mixed into 500ml of hot water and bring to simmer.
Remember that a soup boiled is a soup spoiled!!
Turn off heat.
Whizz all ingredients then add grated Stilton.
Et voila!
Cost is one or two stock cubes.