Munchin’ muntjac

Day 51 #365DaysWild 

Garden muntjac. 

A tiny, alien deer. 
Numbers rising annually.
Indiscriminate flower munchers. Invasive ‘pig hamsters’ according to Dominic MacDonald. 
Adult & juvenile males

The kid in me still loves having ‘em.

Without apex predators like lynx, however, their numbers will continue to balloon.

But the nonsense beaurocracy that represents the interests of the privileged and land-owning stands in the way.

But the red-tape obstacles won’t be seen as a problem for those who see opportunities to achieve a more-natural balance. We’ve already seen beavers and pine martens popping up in unexpected places. Somewhere someone is taking undercover action. Lynx May already be with us.
I applaud this!

A special nighttime magic …


Summer crossing