Forever wonder..

Day 145 #365DaysWild

The grey sky pressed down during the afternoon.

Almost there weeding vegetable garden beds and paths.

Three big loads of fresh chippings delivered by arborists. As a thank you gave one Jill’s prize bottle of red wine by mistake. We’ll leave the chip as long as possible before using it but we’re heavy users. On cold mornings the piles steam like mini-volcanoes. We need chip for paths and mulch. It benefits soil fungi, invertebrates, mammals and birds as well as suppressing weeds. It needs to be rotted before going on the soil.

This morning I sat in the car with window down to better see and hear around 70 starlings in an oak.

A skein of around 60 pink-footed geese overhead today in two trailing V’s. Flying east.

Yesterday four large birds flying east. Bigger than geese with a more slender appearance. My attention was drawn by their unusual call. I’ll forever wonder whether they were common cranes.

New bird table being sited in the evergreen shrubs by the lane hedge. Sparrows especially welcome.

By night a wood mouse clears the bird table by the kitchen window. It’s eyes balls of sun in the nighttime camera.

Sometimes when I sit quietly, my breathing speaks to me of approaching pink-footed geese.


Soft halo

