Grovelling in gravel

Day 291 #365DaysWild

Extended family Saturday night. A meal for nine. A lot of grub to prepare and for them to eat. Young people, big appetites. And loud music too. But a 21st birthday so it must be done.

The young people walked the garden at dusk. ‘Living the dream’ one said on return.

And that’s how we feel.

But we also know that our lives may be seen as some kind of permanent community payback. Never ending hard graft.

This week is a good example.

The gravel drive for our two homes has compacted and thinned. We put down the edging and levelled and terramed and rolled and raked in 2014 under the foremanship of son Dave. 

So, sixteen tonnes of golden gravel has been ordered to celebrate its tenth birthday. And a mini-digger.

First the colossal job of hand-weeding before the gravel arrives. Stooping. Hoeing. Forking.

It’s my fault. It would be much less effort to spray the weeds to kill them. And we could be foregoing the fun we’ve had grovelling in gravel the day after a family party. 

This is new fun. Believe me.




Wildlife gold!!!