Let’s make compost !!

Day 299 #365DaysWild

Grass mowing season is here.
Two jobs -mowing and then using  grass cuttings.

Let’s make compost !!


About a builders’ bag of grass cuttings.

A collection of cardboard and paper, weeds and kitchen waste (non-food) gathered over several weeks in one of the compost bays.

Well-rotted straw.

Shredded leaves and chip from an arborist.


All to be layered up mixing greens and browns.

The temperature of the compost will rise to around 70C and then slowly drop.
This should kill soil pathogens, perennial roots and weed seeds.

Leave for six weeks.

Turn into next compartment and leave until temperature has dropped and branding worms have occupied compost.

Et voila! Perfect for applying to the soil surface as a mulch chock full of beneficial invertebrates, bacteria and mycelia.

And bonus….

Composting lowers greenhouse gases by improving carbon sequestration in the soil and by preventing methane emissions through aerobic decomposition, as methane-producing microbes are not active in the presence of oxygen.

Day #1 22C

Day #3  Almost at 55C

Day #6


Bat detector day...


Moth light..