honey bees..
All invertebrates are under pressure.
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Our once-common honey bees are no exception. Once widespread, with colonies in tree cavities, they are now only rarely found in the wild. Those that are 'wild' are usually feral colonies escaped from domestic hives.
Neonicotinoid chemicals have had a disastrous effect. Although banned, the government gave permission for them to be used on sugar beet. A teaspoon of the chemical can kill enough insects to fill a number of lorries. Domestic dog and cat flea treatments still contain these poisons and river water samples have shown the presence of the chemical is widespread.
Honey bees have been badly affected by veroa mites that weaken colonies.
Asian hornets are now spreading - deadly enemies of honey bees.
I was delighted to find a nest box made for little owls has been adopted by a feral honey bee colony.
Its chance of success is not high.
But at least it is there.