welcome rain..

7 September 2024

Today the orchard meadow was strimmed and the hay mounded.

Fortunately we don’t rely on the hay as our forbears animals would have done. This evening we had the first ‘proper’ rain for several weeks which the dusty ground drank thirstily. Hay as fodder would have been ruined but ours will be composted, layered in dead hedges or made into piles for invertebrates, mammals and birds.

With ground sufficiently irrigated we can begin applying mulches around Woodland Garden trees, shrubs and perennials as we enter autumn.  The mulches protect the soil, reduce seed germination, retain soil moisture and provide perfect conditions for mycology, bacteria and  invertebrates.

A huge branch had been rent from one of the limes 

(Tilia x europaea)
 . Our arborist friends logged and chipped to clear the brash mountain. We decided that the splintered and split branches that had been torn from the tree could make an original and bespoke bat residence if fixed to a ‘topped’ Scots pine. But first we’ll let the rain and frost  get into the cavities to weather the wood.


Spud me like..

