3 September 2024
Meteorological autumn has begun.
Mist across the fields and in our trees till mid-morning.
I continued trimming shrubs in the Woodland Garden - currently vicious berberis Juliana, eleagnus and native hollies (Ilex aquifolium). Pressure on time last year saw me trimming hollies almost into spring and because of this late cut I blame myself for there being no flowers or berries. This part of the garden has much arboreal ivy and many hollies. These plants are the larval food plant of our native holly blue butterfly. Sadly, we have almost no success in attracting these butterflies to breed here. We’ll persevere.
This year, the autumn trimming may result in spring growth of flowers.
The mist gave way to sun, powering our solar (photovoltaic) panels and charging our batteries. We were fortunate in being able to afford to make this decision. Although we may not live long enough to see a financial return on our investment, I’m glad we did. The burning of fossil fuels poses an existential threat to all living things. The present atmospheric concentration of CO2 is the highest for 14 million
years. The table makes grim reading.Seven countries now generate 100% of their electricity from renewable energy - but not the UK.
The sun is losing its intensity now and our hours of generation each day are reducing with the shortened days. 21.8kW energy generated today.
We’re exporting to the grid at peak times and importing in the dead of night when charges are lowest. Our Tesla batteries hum with the activity.
Helping ourselves while doing our small part for national sustainable energy - coloured by the knowledge that so many are facing fuel poverty this winter..