A pancheon of soup …
Busy continuing with the vegetable garden autumn tidy. As compost bins fill, order returns. Much still to do.
In the birch a single linnet in subdued song. A grey wagtail calls overhead.
Parasol mushrooms are impressive stinkers!
I half fill a bucket with big carrots for storage. Early Nantes had been sown, interplanted with tiny kale. Our netting has done the job and all the carrots come up clean. None of the telltale wiggly lines that indicate carrot fly. The once-tiny kale is now in its pomp.
Visitors tomorrow so a ‘pancheon’ of seasonal vegetable soup has been ordered. Mum spoke of a ‘pancheon’ of soup. I think it’s a dialect word. D.H. Lawrence describes a large cooking pot as a ‘pancheon’ in Sons and Lovers.
Plus a Parmesan rind.
Dried peas are soaking and will be cooked tomorrow for addition to the soup at the end. it’s an old variety we grow called ‘Ambassador’ that is a marrowfat.
If you’re counting that is seven plant species towards your week’s total of thirty - in one bowl.
Home made bread. Of course. Wheat.