allotment plan 2010/11
Allotment Plan 2009/10
4 beds, each 5 m X 10 m
Comfrey Apples Autumn Raspberries Asparagus: Mary Washington; Connovers Colossal
Broad beans Aquadulce followed by Runner beans Czar for drying for seed. | Mustard followed by EPS Broccoli and Kale | ||
Phacelia followed by Runner Beans for drying for seed | Mustard followed by Brussels | ||
Field Beans followed by three sisters bed corn, cl French beans and Crown Prince squash | Mustard followed by Chevalier Calabrese | ||
Field Beans followed by three sisters bed corn, cl French beans and Butternut squash | Mustard followed by Chevalier Calabrese | Mustard followed by All year round Cauliflower | |
Field beans Followed by ? | Strawberries Marshmellow 2009 | Mustard followed by Detroit Beetroot | |
Field beans Followed by Marrowfat Peas Maro | StrawberriesMarshmellow 2006 | Mustard followed by Detroit Beetroot | |
Field beans Followed by Feltham First Peas | Mustard followed by Tender and True Parsnip | ||
Vivaldi Early potatoes | Nicola second early Potatoes | Evesham Special Brussels followed by Summer Red Baron onions followed by A. King Carrots | |
Nicola second early Potatoes | Purple Sprouting Broccoli and Kale followed by Musselburgh Leeks | ||
Nicola second early Potatoes | Mustard followed by Summer white onions followed by A. King Carrots | Cristo Garlic followed by Carrots A. King | |
Kestrel second early Potatoes | Thermadrome Garlic followed by A. King Carrots | O/W White Onions followed by A. King Carrots | |
Strawberries Marshmellow 2006 | Kestrel second early Potatoes | Strawberries Marshmellow 2006 | O/W Electric Red onions followed by A. King Carrots |
Kestrel second early Potatoes | Parsnips Tender and True followed by Golden Gourmet Shallots followed by A. King Carrots | Parsnips Tender and True followed by Summer white onions followed by A. King Carrots | |
Pink Fir Apple Maincrop Potatoes | Summer White Onions followed by A. King Carrots |
Crown Prince Squash /Two types of squash Compost Compost ‘Butternut Squash/ Courgettes/Two types of squash