potatoes in!

Traditionally, gardeners have always planted their potatoes on Good Friday. A national holiday, Good Friday is thus a key milestone in the gardening year.

We had already planted two rows of First Early Colleen and one row of First Early Edzell Blue. These are under a fleece cloche to stop icy winds and frosts getting to their tender shoots. The warm duvet of their protection should speed their growth, giving us early early potatoes!

On Sunday we planted:
  • Four rows Second Early Nicola (an excellent salad potato)
  • Four rows Second Early Kestrel (ideal for jacket potato)
  • Four rows Second Early King Edward (ideal for mashing)
  • Three rows maincrop Pink Fir Apple (in a good year - the greatest salad potato)
to complete the bed. I have 'earthed' the potatoes (drawn the soil up into ridges) in the traditional manner to protect shoots against late frosts. They will need more 'earthing' as shoots emerge.

This completes one quarter of the allotment and it feels great to say that!



allotment plan 2010/11