unseasonable ..

Day 208 #365DaysWild

Red sky in the morning..

Today, a new UK record high temperature has been set in the Scottish Highlands, according to provisional figures from the Met Office. 

Perhaps the unseasonably mild weather is bringing the seasons forward…

A song thrush had emerged from purdah last week, feeding under the bird table. Dusk yesterday, a song thrush singing from the Cedar Walk wood. And this morning at dawn. And again at dusk today.

‘Who did it? Who did it?’
‘He did! He did!’

A pair of blue-grey stock doves seem to have adopted the tawny owl nest box. Chunky little birds. Favourites.

A pair of robins in harmony.

And a pair of mallards in noisy explosion from the pond.

Our gardening chores continue with Jill working on the fruit bushes and cordon apple trees.
I finished the ‘rogue’ border in the Woodland Garden stepping carefully through flowering cyclamen coum and emerging snowdrops. Logs and sticks laid on the cleared ground to encourage mycology and invertebrates with just the the leaf mulch to add. Log edging of paths is melting into the soil. New logs added.


rough …


polite scrummage..